Kampanjen Oljefondets alkoholproblem har samlet historier som illustrerer hvordan enkeltpersoner opplever problemer i hverdagen som konsekvens fra alkohol. Det kan være problemer fra produktet og problemer fra bruk, men også problemer folk har fra en global storindustri som har for eksempel politisk makt.
Her på denne siden viser vi noen av historiene vi har samlet.
Steven Mollel, 57 years, Tanzania
My 10 year old student was raped by her father when he came home drunk. Many other pupils stop attending the school because their parents spent money on alcohol. People are dying in road accidents and intoxicated men engage in unsafe sex.
My family has been heavily affected by alcohol use. I have had alcohol problem for 40 years and instead of being productive, I was losing the little I had. My younger brother dropped out of University as he failed his exams while being drunk. And my older brother was killed in a bar fight over a glass of alcohol.
Having on mind what alcohol does to our lives, I think that marketing of alcohol should not have space in our society.
Badrani, Sri Lanka
In majority of Sri Lankan households man is the main breadwinner. Many able, working men die prematurely because of alcohol which harms families’ happiness and economy. When the lives or health of many of our men are claimed by alcohol, both the family and country suffer. In my opinion, alcohol is nothing but an obstacle. These big alcohol companies enriching themselves at the expense of our happiness, health and economy. My brother was a heavy user of alcohol. He often came home intoxicated, fought and abused his wife. Alcohol affects the poorest people mostly and completely stalls their development. I see how alcohol harms families, communities and the whole country. It adds to many problems we face as a developing nation.
I wonder what kind of people can profit at the expense of such human misery. It is wrong, unethical and inhuman how the alcohol industry profits at the cost of people’s lives. There is no way to justify it.
I think we need to make sure to protect our children from this harm. No government or person with a conscience can support or fund the alcohol industry, knowing the harm it causes people.
Fatuma A. Mwanga, 35 years, Tanzania
There are too many children that end up with only one parent or without any parents as consequence of alcohol use. It is often women that bear the burden. What I do not like is the corruption by alcohol producers so strongly perceived during election campaigns.
I myself, I was married for 5 years, and my husband spent our financial resources on alcohol. Moreover, he was coming home late or did not return for few days and that has led to lots of arguments with me and with our children. I had to divorce him and was left alone with our two children. I have heard he has lost his job too.
In my opinion the government should be responsible for alcohol production and control it properly. The prices should be higher.